
Falling Apart

My toenail fell off last week. Gross, I know; sorry about that. It was far less gross than it sounds, though, and more than anything was confusing. It's pretty common among runners to talk about gross black toenails falling out after a grueling run, but that's never been a problem for me. I am a... Continue Reading →

Quick Pause

The YMCA where I work out offers a a variety of fitness classes, none of which have I ever tried for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I like to exercise around as few people as possible. There used to be an aquatics class with the word "sweat" in the title and the description... Continue Reading →

Sort of Snow Day

My dad always said that in his lifetime at school, both as a kid and later as a teacher for around thirty years, one thing that never got old was the excitement of the snow day, and I must admit, I agree with him. Most adults with typical adult jobs don't get to enjoy snow... Continue Reading →

Is This Real Life?

Since you're reading this, I feel I'm safe in assuming that you're at least a somewhat regular consumer of the Internet. As such, you've probably encountered at least a couple listicles featuring examples of a specific type of false memory known as the Mandela Effect. Just in case you've missed the internet's fascination with it,... Continue Reading →

A Bittersweet Discovery

Kalen left for work after lunch and I watched out the window for a few more minutes, thinking about how the bees were a much more compelling blog topic than the New Year roundup I had planned. I knew I would never get any good pictures from my living room, though, between Pippin's nose art... Continue Reading →

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