Successfully Adulting

I try to post here two or three times a week and usually post on Mondays, but I didn't get it done yesterday because I was busy being a Responsible Adult ™️. I mean, I didn't go apply for or pay off a loan or call to make my very own doctor's appointment or anything,... Continue Reading →

(Di)vine Intervention

I first encountered trumpet vine many years ago riding my bike on the Katy Trail in central Missouri. The Katy Trail is a recreational trail that has been established along the old Missouri-Kansas-Texas railroad and goes across the state from Clinton to Machens. In the hot, muggy summer, tendrils of trumpet vine creep onto the... Continue Reading →

Hit the Deck

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been wondering why it's so much easier for me to write lately and wondering whether I could have managed to maintain this blog and more traditional employment. I'm fairly sure the answer to the second of those mysteries is "no." I took a little break from writing for... Continue Reading →

Emergency Plumbing

Every so often, usually after Kalen and I finish a house project, my mom will casually ask, "What's your next project?" and I'm always hesitant to answer this question. I'm learning that homeownership in general invariably involves a never-ending list of tasks, and even more so with an older home. Some of the tasks are... Continue Reading →

This, Our Old House

I get the feeling the first lesson in blogging is "pick a theme and stick to it!" I say get the feeling because I apparently missed that lesson. It's a lesson I missed on lots of things. I had trouble when asked that about my wedding (why does a wedding have to have a theme?... Continue Reading →

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