Sparky Strikes Again

Pippin is a very gentle dog, though you might not guess it to look at him. He actively smiles, and only people who have had a smiler of their own recognize this look as one of love and excitement as it is admittedly similar to a snarl. Sometimes we meet people who tell us that... Continue Reading →

Make Like a Tree

It's after Thanksgiving now, which means it's officially acceptable for me to upgrade autumn things for winter things, but it also means that I'm in that post-holiday turkey-induced slump where I don't have much energy or motivation to trudge up to the attic and dig out the Christmas decorations, so I'm just going to write... Continue Reading →

How the Mighty Fall

I'm going to share a controversial opinion. Please don't hate me or at least get your finger away from that "unsubscribe" button. Okay, here it goes: I don't like fall. Whew! I said it, and I can't take it back. I mean, unless I hit the delete key a few times, or take down this... Continue Reading →

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