The Wrath of Sparky

I had not anticipated an update to my last post so soon. Sparky was evidently not fried in his attempt to interfere with the electrical grid. Instead, he has teamed up with the NOOT (Natural Orneriness of Things) to sabotage my lights and my blog. As soon as I hit "publish" on my post saying... Continue Reading →

Sparky Saga Part Three: Wired Science

After having our patio lights destroyed by a particularly misguided squirrel on two different occasions, I was left with no option but to apply the scientific method to the problem. Step 1: Observation/Question - The squirrels (possibly one particular individual, "Sparky") are chewing the lightbulbs off my string of patio lights/how do I make the... Continue Reading →

Sparky Strikes Again

Pippin is a very gentle dog, though you might not guess it to look at him. He actively smiles, and only people who have had a smiler of their own recognize this look as one of love and excitement as it is admittedly similar to a snarl. Sometimes we meet people who tell us that... Continue Reading →

Pire en Pire

Even though our trip to France is over and we don't have another on the books, I'm still practicing my French with Duolingo so that when we do go back I'm closer to being fluent (and also because I just like learning languages). This past week, a new phrase I learned was pire en pire... Continue Reading →

Make Like a Tree

It's after Thanksgiving now, which means it's officially acceptable for me to upgrade autumn things for winter things, but it also means that I'm in that post-holiday turkey-induced slump where I don't have much energy or motivation to trudge up to the attic and dig out the Christmas decorations, so I'm just going to write... Continue Reading →

Uneventful Update

I've been writing a little less than usual because I've been doing a little less than usual. The weather has turned positively wintery (we even had the tiniest dusting of snow this week!) and most of my activities have been boring, routine maintenance things like making sure that the hoses got disconnected from the outside... Continue Reading →

House of Plants

We've officially had the first frost of the year which means I had to put on my big girl pants and accept that summer is really and truly over. I woke up this morning checked the weather to find that it was 20 degrees Fahrenheit (that's -6 Celsius to the rest of the world). I'm... Continue Reading →

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